Cascade topology-based medium voltage motor drive Technology
LS Workshop
March 16, 2020
The DCDC Converter Circuit Design in Electrical Vehicle
(2). Buck+ open loop interleaved LLC

1. DCDC Converter Design- spec
Input voltage: 210Vdc~410Vdc
Input voltage: 210Vdc~410Vdc
Output voltage: 14V1500W
Output voltage adjustable range: 12~16Vdc, PWM signal control
Regulation: ±1%
Start up overshoot: ± 5%
Transient response: 1ms,
0%~50%~0% 1000A/s
0%~100%~0% 1000A/S
Ripple: 200mV
Efficiency: 92%
Protection function: Input under voltage:
Automatic recover
Input over voltage: Automatic recover
Output under voltage: Automatic recover
Output over voltage: Latch
Over load/short circuit: Automatic recover
Over temperature: Automatic recover
Remote control: TTL level voltage
Fault alarm: OC alarm
Mechanical outline: 280mm×200mm×70mm
Weight: 3.6kg
Operation temperature: -40~85 ℃
Cooling: Water cooling ( water
temperature: 75℃)
water press is from 0.02Mpa)
EMC: CISPR 25, Level 4
Vibration: QC/T 413-2002 3.12, Not on the Engine in engine
Protection: IP66
2. DCDC Converter Design- Circuit
2. DCDC Converter Design- Circuit
(1). EMI
Four common mode inductor: 2.1mH, R7K, T25X15X10, 1.2mm,
23T(2). Buck+ open loop interleaved LLC
Buck: Mosfet: 20N60, Diode:R1560
Inductor: 2X56uH, CS234090, FeSiAl, 1.0mmX3, 20T
UC2843 IRS21834
Switching frequency: 100KHz
Switching frequency: 100KHz
(3). Open loop Interleaved LLC
Primary Mosfet: IRF38N20, Synchronous Rectifier: IRF3805
Lm: 18uH, Lr: 2.6uH, Cr:39nF
Lr: 2.6uH, PQ26, PC95, 0.25X3.5X4, 3T
Transformer: ER30, PC95, Primary 4OZ PCBX2,
Secondary 0.2X4.5mm copperX6, 1T
Output Capacitor: 10uFx17
Switch frequency: 300kHz
(4). Auxiliary Power Supply
Transformer: EFD20,
Mosfet: 9R1K20
Control IC: UC2844
Switching frequency: 130KHz
The DCDC Converter Circuit Design in Electrical Vehicle
LS Workshop
March 16, 2020
For the calculation of the Inductance of the chokes to be used to parallel the two inverters, we take into consideration the following two possibilities:-
1. The corresponding parallel arms +ve & -ve are connected directly to one another (i.e. using busbars) as a result of which the inductance at the input is negligible.
2. The corresponding paralllel arms +ve & -ve are both connected to the output of the bridge rectifier as a result of which the inductance of these connections must be taken into consideration.
In the diagrams, for clarity, only one arm of each inverter has been shown and the possible connection of the DC busbars at the inut of each arm. It must be understood that for the entire system, there would be 3 such arms per inverter, giving therefore the 3-phase output.
Case 1
Direction connection of DC Inputs of paralleled Inverters
Here we have,
maximum value of Vdc = 850V
maximum delay between switching OFF of one TOP IGBT and switching ON of one BOT IGBT, Dt = 125 ns (i.e. the maximum possible time delay between the control pulse being received at the IGBTs and the IGBTs switching as a result)
say, maximum allowed DiSC = 10 A
Lac = 850 /(2 x 10)x 0.125 µH
= 42.5 * 0.125 µH
= 5.3125 µH
Lac = approx 5 µH
Case 2
Connection of Inputs of paralleled Inverters to Input bridge rectifier.
In this case, the additional inductance at the outputs of the bridge recifier will serve another purpose i.e. to smoothen the ripples in the output of the bridge circuit.
In this case, the additional inductance at the outputs of the bridge recifier will serve another purpose i.e. to smoothen the ripples in the output of the bridge circuit.
Calculation of Inductance of chokes to be used for the paralleling of the Inverters
LS Workshop
March 16, 2020
1. Topology Classification
2. Topology Selection
3. Candidate
lDirect three-phase systems
ZVS Three-phase single-stage isolated rectifier
Two-level Three phase Buck
Multi-level Vienna Rectifier
Two-level Six-switch rectifier
Multi-level Neutral point clamped converter
lCombination of single-phase systems
Line-to-line voltage input (Δ-Rectifier )
Line-to-neutral voltage input (Y-Rectifier)
With stable artificial neutral point
With controllable neutral point
With controllable neutral point
2. Topology Selection
3. Candidate
lSingle-Stage direct three-phase systems
ZVS Three-phase single-stage isolated PWM/LLC rectifier
lTwo-Stage direct three-phase systems
Vienna Rectifier + three level full bridge LLC
Three phase Buck
Six-switch rectifier
Three level Neutral point clamped (NPC) converter
lCombination of single phase systems
Y-Rectifier with stable artificial neutral point
Y-Rectifier with controllable neutral point
Y-Rectifier with controllable neutral point
Topology Selection of 100A High Efficiency Rectifier
LS Workshop
March 16, 2020
The Analysis and Design of Photovoltaic Inverter
LS Workshop
March 10, 2020